Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Alex Visits Us @ Red Rock

28 April 2011

I was very happy when my brother, Alex, called to tell me that he would be in town for business and would have a little spare time to visit with us. We headed out to Red Rock and climbed some trails...

What are they pointing at????
A chipmunk!

I don't even know what THAT is!

I've missed you bro!!!
Hurry back!!!!!


Leigh This Way said...

Only you would look so cute to go climb on a bunch of rocks! ;)

House of Squitty said...

It looks like y'all had fun. Red Rock is so beautiful and something that I have yet to see. We are going to be going on a business trip to Utah soon and I think we'll have to make it to Vegas if we're that close! You just make it look like too much fun!

P.S. That Noah is going to be such a heartbreaker.

Marina said...

Please do come! There are plenty of "non-wild" things to do here in "Sin City." We would love to see y'all!!!!!

Liz Ann said...

Red Rock seems awesome. Isn't that the same place that Rocco and Angel went to but I stayed behind because I was sick. Oh well, guess I need to make another trip