Saturday, March 12, 2011

Noah's 1st Loose Tooth!!!!

9 March 2011

Well, it's FINALLY happened! Noah went to brush his teeth the other day, but came running out of the bathroom to exclaim that he had a loose tooth. This is his 1st one that he has ever had and he is over 8 years old! You know, being the student hygienist that I am, I've realized that this is a very good thing. Most kids lose their first tooth at around 6-7 years old, but having that extra time will only help him in keeping his permanent teeth healthier longer! Yay!

He wants me to pull it, but I told him he has to wait until it's a little more loose. He asked me very seriously, "I wonder if the Tooth Fairy really is real?" I snickered and said, "Are you serious!? What do YOU think!?" Hahaha! He didn't answer...I guess I can give him some money since it's nice and clean!!! ;)


Mary McDonald said...

My kids mouths aren't that clean! Unfortunately, Levi has lost 9 teeth...

Liz Ann said...

Holy crap. I can't believe he is just now getting a loose tooth. Isabel is 6 and she just lost her 1st tooth and it is already coming back in. The tooth next to it is loose too. better be giving that boy some money

Leigh This Way said...

Hahaha! Oh wow! Poor guy! Chloe just turned 6 in October and I think she's alreadly lost like 8 teeth. Its getting crazy. She literally has like no front teeth. Her top front 4 teeth are gone and I think she's missing 3 on the bottom and she's got 2 others that are loose. The worse part for me is that when the teeth start going loose you can already see all the other tooth trying to come in. Her mouth's a mess right now.