Friday, March 11, 2011

Chris & Uncle Joe Visit

5 March 2011
My Uncle Joe and Cousin Chris came in town to see the Nascar race this weekend, so I was able to snag a few minutes with them and hang out for a bit. (I always love when I'm able to see my exciting!)

[Chris is an actor and currently has a commercial out for Wal-Mart and GM. He's done some films too. If you want to check out some of his acting work click here. He's done a few things that you've probably seen. Oh, and I love, love, love my Uncle Joe! He's so awesome! It's always a treat to see him! He brought me some oranges...yum!!! (He's always giving me something that I can eat!...Love that!)] We ate at the Pink Taco located inside the Hard Rock Hotel where they were staying. We had a great time being able to catch up (since it's been 9 months)!
Julie is amazing and Griffin is a hoot! I was a little disappointed that Noah didn't get back from a friend's house in time to see him. They get along so well...probably because they are the same age. Last time they came to Vegas, he was able to spend the night with us.

Here's a recap (since I never blogged about it):
June 2010
We met up and ate chicken wings at Buffalo Wild Wings...
Griffin and Noah hit it off right away and did their own thing!!! The next day we took the kids to Flip-N-Out. I was a little worried that I was going to get in trouble, because I was cautioned by Griffin's daddy to keep his face safe (he does acting too (check some of his stuff out here.) and needs to be flawless LOL), and while at the trampoline place Gabriel smacked him right upside the face with a dodge ball!!!! I about DIED!!!!! His cheek and eye started to get a little cherry colored, so I lit into Gabe for his foolishness...although he swore that it was an accident. Thankfully, it healed quickly!
They boys played all sorts of games!...mostly video games, though!
Griffin was even a little baller! He was definitely a go-getter!!! He fit into our family really well!
Kela just had fun watching everything, as usual! Our last pit stop was at McDonalds. They played there for a while!
When we were driving to our house, Griffin asked me if we had a "Man Cave." He informed me that his dad had his own building/room outside that was all his own to hang out and have fun in with his friends. I quickly responded, "No, but we have a KID CAVE!!!" hahaha! His eyes lit up big! LOL

When I was taking Griffin back to his parents the next day, I asked him what he had like best about his trip (they had gone all over the place hiking and stuff), and he said, "meeting y'all. I would love for me and Noah to live together." Awww! That was soooo sweet!!!

So you can see, I hated that Noah didn't get to hang out with Griffin again! They were great little friends!!!

1 comment:

Liz Ann said...

Its always nice to get a visitor to pop in...especially family