Tuesday, February 22, 2011

President's Day

21 February 2011
What do you think our family did on President's Day???! Hmmm....if you pay any attention at all, you would know that we went bowling! Yes, that seems to be the tradition of ours for holidays. We invited some friends along and had a great time! The Rice's, Nower's, and Perkins' families came. We had 26 people, I think.
Brandon brought his new girlfriend, Caiti, along. He tried to impress her by getting a TURKEY!!! He ended up with the highest score of all of us...176.
Gabriel brought his friend Richard too. I tied him for one game and then beat him the other two....yes! ;)
Kela bowled with her little ramp, but she much preferred eating the snacks! LOL!
And, Noah was very serious! He was determined to get a good score. He wants to be just like his dad and brothers! However, by the 3rd game, he just wanted to play with his best friend.
(Frankie was working, so missed out again.)


Liz Ann said...

Ok, You guys have got to stop bowling so much. Y'all are getting in too much practice for the next time we end up bowling together. Y'all are going to blow me away. I guess I'll team up with Kela and use her ramp.

Kaycee said...

Marina, looks like a ton of fun! I love it that Amy is on her cell phone in the picture! We miss you guys, and love to see the updates! You'll do great in Young Women's.