Saturday, January 15, 2011

Elder Childs Visits

14 January 2011
We got a surprise at our door...Elder Childs (a beloved missionary who served in our area a few months back) came to visit! He was delivering another elder into our area and decided to drop by. Yay! The boys were so excited! They used to hang out with him a good bit! Frankie was sick (I actually took him to the ER later in the evening to get him some strep throat medication), so he only came downstairs for a brief hello, but was very happy to see him. (They used to play guitar together. --Elder Childs has a beautiful voice and recorded some songs while here. He also plays the piano exceptionally well. He's amazing and his convert story is spectacular!)
Kela was even happy to see him! She jumped right up and gave him a hug without any hesitation!

We sat around and played the game "Never have I ever" until he had to leave...Noah won twice!!!! Ugh! No matter what, we couldn't take him down! Anyway, it was great getting a nice surprise from him! WE MISS YOU ELDER CHILDS!

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