Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Little Kela

30 December 2010 Kela was too cute today. When I got home from eating lunch with my hubby (Cafe Rio), Kela started chanting, "Hat! Hat!" She saw me with a hat on and she demanded that I give her one too. She was very adament! She wanted to be just like me! Consequently, I put a hat on her that was similar to mine. =)
She was sooooo excited!!! She thought she was a little DIVA!
It's amazing how she is starting to like little girly things...she never did before.
It's makes me so happy! She is now my official princess! I can't believe it!!! =)
By the way, speaking of Kela...earlier in the month, something very, very special happened in our family concerning her. My husband and I were summoned into the Young Women class by our Bishop. At first, I thought we were there for some combined youth meeting for the boys (since Kela doesn't go to YW). However, I was shocked to find out that the Bishop and YW Leaders were presenting a service project for Kela. They showed a video (click on link to watch) that inspired them to offer Kela her YW Medallion Award (similar to the Eagle Scout Award). In essence, this next year (before Kela's 17th birthday) the girls will be doing all of Kela's projects for her by proxy. They will accomplish all of the work for her, since she can't do it herself, and then she will be given the award. Honestly, I have never been as touched by something as I was by this. I just broke down and cried--Cried for a very long time, actually! It is one of the most Christ-like things I have seen in my lifetime. I felt so happy for Kela, but more deeply for the girls performing her work. I know the joy that comes through service, and I know they will be filled with the Spirit as they do this special thing! This opportunity for them is one of magificent proportions and it truly makes my heart swell for them.

One of my favorite scripture stories in the New Testament is the one where Jesus is walking amongst a crowd of people and a lady approaches him, touches the hem of his garment, and is healed from her issue of blood that had plagued her for a lifetime. When Jesus asked who touched him, his apostles commented that they all touched him, for they were swarmed with people. However, the Savior knew differently. He felt power leave him by the touch of the woman and acknowledged her faith. He stopped what he was doing to give attention to the one and teach a valuable lesson. This story enlightens my mind to the sensitivity of the Savior. Even amongst chaos and busyness, Jesus could tell when he was needed, and he did not let the opportunity escape him.

I am so grateful for those who seize opportunities to help another, who pause to recognize the needs around them, and that sense the gentle tugging of the Spirit to make a difference in the life of someone else. I am humbled by the love of our Savior and those who walk in his footsteps. And, I am anticipating the day when Kela can thank these girls firsthand, when she can wrap her arms around them and testify of her gratitude as well. I will love to witness that. I can't wait! =)


House of Squitty said...

Wow, that is incredible. That made me cry, it's just too sweet. I have never heard of anyone doing anything as Christlike as that....and the fact that we are talking about a group of teenagers doing that is just amazing.

Liz Ann said...

This entry has me mixed with all kinds of emotions. First, I was smiling at how cute you and Kela looked together. Had a few laughs, and then I started reading your story and instantly went from smiling to balling. I was so touched by the spirit and was overwhelmed with happiness for Kela. It is such a TRUE act of kindness. A pure love for Christ. That is so amazing!
This is the perfect thing to hear for the New Year. It makes me want to strive to be more Christ like for the year 2011

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of you and Kela, the joy in both of your faces is wonderful to see!! You are both a blessing to each other and to all of us......Your church family is just that, all of you, grandma

Leigh This Way said...

How wonderful for Kela and for the young women. It amazes me how they are all willing to do that for Kela. I don't remember any of us in YW ever being anything like that. Y'all might live in "Sin City" but you've got angels among you.

Mary McDonald said...

These are AWESOME pictures of y'all!

Mary Beth said...

Kevin even cried when I told him this story!

LaNelle said...

This totally made me cry! That is wonderful and so inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing (and I very much needed to be reminded of that scripture story today)! :)