Sunday, October 3, 2010

More Feelings...

Lesson #4: I love the Book of Mormon! Okay, that's not really a NEW lesson that I've learned, because let's be honest...I have loved the BoM for a very LONG time, but those feelings were rekindled in me recently. You see, Brandon came to me several months ago all excited about the Book of Mormon. He said that he had been challenged to read it in 100 days by his leaders, but wanted to include me in the challenge as well. He felt that he would stick with it if there was another person in his family doing it too. Therefore, he encouraged me to read with him. His vibrant energy drew me in and I was happy to accept his challenge. =) I mean could anyone resist a challenge like that? I was almost ecstatic to be asked! Of course, we went about our reading in different ways. He usually read his chapters OVER the phone with a friend, while I read my scriptures ON my phone while on the go. LOL! Let me just say that I am grateful for my Droid application that allowed me to bring up my scriptures whenever I had spare time. Technology can bless us so much! Anyway, I finished the BoM again! It's amazing the things that one can take from the scriptures in different seasons of their life. Every time I read the BoM I learn something new, and I receive tailor-made messages for me according to what I need at that time. The spirit is SO STRONG, yet gentle in approach! I have come to know over the years, without a shadow of a doubt, that God has a plan for each one of us. We are his work and his glory, and he uses all of his power to help us in this mold and develop us into righteous children, to be like him. He loves us unconditionally and allows us to choose which paths we want to take, but is always ready to embrace us into his fold when we are ready to do so. He is light and truth, and all good flows through him. He is our loving parent who works tirelessly for our good, never giving up on us, never shutting the door. He prepares a way for us long before we arrive to accomplish the things that he asks, and gives us circumstances and experiences that teach us profound truths, which help us to be an instrument in his hands. He is our biggest supporter and friend. There is no other who loves like he, who gives so freely, and who knows us so perfectly--a wisdom that is used to bless and inspire, train and direct, mold and sculpt. He is the ultimate master of goodness, the best example of perfection, and he is our Father, OUR LOVING FATHER! I'm grateful for his influence that I have felt in my life. Reading the scriptures seem to put everthing in focus and proper perspective. It does something to the soul; it transforms and enlightens. I'm grateful for the Spirit that accompanies his words....thanks Brandon for another Book of Mormon experience!!! =) IT WAS AWESOME!!! So does anyone want to take the challenge???? ;)

Lesson #5: I realized that I smile more than ever when I'm with my family. When we are gathered together, I notice that I am literally grinning from ear to ear. My boys are so funny (they get if from their Daddy)! Kela and I are kind of out of place, you know. We don't have the same gift as they do, so we just sit back and laugh AT them. The truth is our lives are so busy, and my kids are growing up so fast that we don't have many moments when we are ALL together. Family Home Evening is such a cherished time for us...well, atleast it is for me. I actually get to have them all in one place, and it is so beautiful! Even if we are being completely ridiculous, I still smile, my heart is warmed, and I am overflowing with joy! My family is priceless! Nothing can take their place! I sometimes get teary-eyed just being in their presence. Isn't that crazy? I don't know what's wrong with me! It's just something about them that touches me to the core! I guess I know that they are growing up. Hmmmm....

Lesson #6: I've learned that I have a pet peeve: I hate that my kids are losing their southern accents!!! They are starting to sound like westerners. Could that be happening to me too???? Oh, gosh--I hope not! I love, love, love, LOVE my southern heritage! Poor little Noah is transforming the most. Probably because he is more impressionable as a little child. He's not going to be my little country boy anymore! Ughhh!!!! I just thought he was so cute with his redneck accent. I guess it will no longer be. LOL!!!! (You know, the more we are exposed to things, the more our defenses are lowered--even without us even realizing it. We might each ask ourself, "what are we exposing ourself to????" --food for thought!--I guess I'm like my mother...always finding a spiritual connection to the most meaningless things. Oh, my!)

Okay, that's all for now...I've got to study, but there is more inside this mind of mine....

1 comment:

Liz Ann said...

I'm glad to see you are sharing your feelings with us. I always love to hear you speak on spiritual aspects. You articulate and describe them so well. It lifts my spirits everytime I hear you. I'm so glad to have such an awesome sister who is so close to her savior and is willing to share her gifts with others.

I just wish that I would have inherited that Del Priore gift of gab gene. I can never stay on track. I forget my thoughts almost instantly and end up in a big jumbled up mess