Saturday, August 7, 2010

SC Easter

4 April 2010

Easter is THE BIGGEST holiday in our family (even more than Christmas). Unfortunately, Brandon was the only one who could make it back to South Carolina for all of the festivities.
Over the years, we have had our get-together at different places. It started out for many years at my parents' house, then it moved to my cousin's house on the lake, and finally to the Pine Island Club on Lake Murray.

It's amazing how many people show up, considering it is just my father's brothers' and sisters' immediate families. We have atleast 75...all just my first cousins and their! IT'S THE BEST THING EVER!!!! My dad is always the one to bring everyone to attention (since he's the oldest...hahaha!).
Then the first thing on the agenda is eating! There's nothing like a Del Priore smorgasborg! Yum!

Then...there's some socializing before the games begin! Uncle Rocc0 (down from NY), Papa, Uncle Michael (big time artist). Angel (SIL) and Emry (neice) Belle (cousin) and Uncle Angelo (her grandfather) Some of my neices chillin'
(Merrit (cousin), Gabriella, Amber, Giana, Isabel, and Olivia)
Their moms made them all tutus to cute! Brandon loved hangin' with the cuties. Here he is with Liz Ann's little girl, Gabriella. Even the Easter bunny shows up to give out goodies!!!

However, the funnest part of the day is the serious competitions that are held:
Of course my Papa leads the games!


Brandon helped Little Anthony find Easter eggs! (He was born with spinal bifida, so can't walk very well. He is the most precious little boy you've laid eyes on! Sweet as can be!!!!)

They were racing really well...
but Anthony's younger sister found the prize egg! There are all sorts of age groups, since there are so many people. They all have a blast!

Even the adults hunt!!! It's like war! They trip each other, jump one another, and even shove their fellow competitors. It can get vicious! They all want to win the big bucks...usually around $50. Here's some of them gathering around to get their prizes.


starting out small...
moving a little further back...
still moving...
Uh-oh! Brandon's balloon busted!
Here are some great catches!


Uncle Johnny trying to cool everyone down with a water gun!


This is part of the losing team! Hahaha!

But....Brandon boasted that he was on the winning side...
(I wonder's a bunch of youngins'!!!)
Getting set up...
Putting some umphhhh in it...
Even the little kids compete!
I told you Little Anthony is the cutest little boy! Look how into it he is! Hahahaha!!! I love it!!!
There is also a three-legged race, sack race, dress-up circle, volleyball, and football. It lasts all day long! Oh gosh, I hate that we missed it!


Angel said...

Ok, how do you upload Robert's pics to ur blog? I can't ever upload even one!

Leigh This Way said...

So the last time I saw Emry she was like 5, she is so gorgeous! And I love how your dad's megaphone has the little mermaid on it =)