Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gabriel's Spring Football

27 March 2010
As soon as we got back from the eggdrop, we rushed over to Gabriel's football game. He had started his spring season, and we wanted to make sure we made it to his game. Of course, he played really well, even though he moved up to a bigger division. He's always a beast no matter what! He is a determined go-getter and seems to always penetrate or stop the opposing team! Towards the end of the game, he damaged his thumb. Of course, that didn't stop him playing! (It turned out to be a sprain, although he thought it was broke at first.) Dad is always proud to stand by his boy! He loves supporting him. He gives him all the pointers he can.
And, of course, I love supporting my kids too. I was on the sidelines cheering like crazy!!!! It just so happened that I sat with the opposing team, but I didn't care, I screamed anyway! There was no way I wasn't going to cheer my boy on, even if I was getting nasty stares! I did walk away pretty hoarse, though.
And, Noah was just happy to hang out with Kela. He loves her so much!

Our team ended up beating the Raiders with just a couple seconds left on the clock! It was an awesome game. Unfortunately, it would be the only one that Gabriel would play. There was too much contention between the coaches that we decided to opt out of this season. There was too much drama for us to deal with at this time, and we didn't want Gabriel to have to deal with that type of leadership anyway. We'll just stick with Fall ball.


Leigh This Way said...

Isn't it just awful when its the adults that ruin it for the kids?! It drives me crazy.

Liz Ann said...

I hate drama