Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Liz Ann-- Grand Canyon Flight

15 February 2010

Last spring my husband bought a flight at our children's scouting fundraiser. We never had time to use it until Lizzy came into town. I thought it would be the perfect time to enjoy it with her here...I was right! We got up really early and drove over to Henderson.
There we met up with our pilot, Br. Spaugh (he goes to my church). This is his personal plane, and he was gracious enough to spend his time with us, sharing his skills, and assets.
Lizzy liked checking out the cockpit, considering her husband is a pilot too. (He flies C-17s for the Air Force.)
I thought this plane was really sleek...very pretty.
And, Carly also hopped on it with us.
While Br. Spaugh was doing all of his safety checks, Lizzy picked the plane's nose. ;)
Okay....we're OFF!!!
Lizzy flew upfront,
while Carly and I took the backseat.
We said goodbye to Vegas!
First thing we did was head to the Hoover Dam. (It's a totally different perspective from the air than on the ground.)
So far...so good!!!
This is a cool phenomenon: the water has a distinct color difference where Lake Mead connects to the Colorado River leaving the Grand Canyon.
We flew to the edge of the Grand Canyon. (Remember this thing covers miles and miles of territory. We couldn't possibly see the whole thing.)
It was really beautiful.

During this journey, Br. Spaugh let us experience negative and positive G's. It made me feel so sick!!! LOLI was getting really woozy the whole flight. Every time he turned, I struggled to keep it all in!
Our pilot was very careful not to jerk or turn as much as possible,
but small planes have more turbulence regardless.
After almost two hours of flight, I finally couldn't hold it in any longer! I had to puke!!! There were no bags in the plane, so I used the jacket I had on. Apparently, since I was flying on an empty stomach, it complicated my nausea. I really thought I was going to make it back without throwing up...I literally didn't let loose until we were making our last turn into the runway, but at that point it was just too much; it came out!

Hahahahahaha!!!!! I think that is the funniest thing!!! Even though I got sick, I had a really great time! We had fun regardless!!!

Thereafter, we hurried back to the house, because Lizzy and I had a couple's massage scheduled that afternoon. It was a great way to wind down. AHHHHH!!!! I LOVE massages. They are a luxury that I thoroughly enjoy!

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