Monday, June 21, 2010

VISITORS!!!! Rocco, Angel, and Liz Ann!!!!!

9 February 2010

Angel bought Rocco (my brother) a plane to ticket to Vegas for his Christmas present, so they arranged to fly out to see us during Valentine's weekend. Meanwhile, Liz Ann's (my sister's) anniversary is on Valentine's Day, but her hubby was overseas, so I talked her into coming out to spend her day with the rest of us so she wouldn't be alone and depressed. She thought that was a good idea...YAY!!!!!! (Papa watched her kids and she headed to the city of lights too!)Frankie was SOOOO excited that they were coming, so he was determined to be at the airport when they arrived! However, he got a little antsy when we waited for awhile...he kept checking the time! Both of us were so ready for them to come! We had been missing them terribly! (This is what happens when you have nothing to do. LOL! You act cRaZy!!!) OH!!! Look who's coming down the escalator...FINALLY!!!
Angel had been Frankie's second mama for a while when he stayed in SC, so she was thrilled to see him waiting there. She ran and jumped up on him excitedly...Reunited at last. =)
Lizzy was like..."here I am!!!!"


Yay! My family is together! I can NOT wait for the good times to come...
Ready for some fun????!!!
Well, if Lizzy can find her luggage we'll have some!!!!! Urgh!
Oh, there it is! Let's GO!!!

Next stop...something to eat! The long trip made my visitors hungry...
The closest place that had food in the middle of the night was Hooters. LOL!Rocco was amused that his wife felt uncomfortable there. Don't worry Ang; we're not staying long. ;)
(Look at Roc in his glasses...I've never seen them before now! Hahaha...he's getting old!)
We just need enough time to pick up some wings...
...then we headed to Rocco's hotel room and ate them.
I wanted them to stay with us at our house, but Rocco had timeshare points that he wanted to use instead. :( It made it more of a challenge to meet up during the week, but we still found a way. ;) Plus, I think they wanted some "alone" time too.
Lizzy, of course, stayed with me. Yay!

(Hahahaha!!!! I have no idea what she's doing here.)
(Just a little fooling around inside the hotel before we headed to my house.) We were stoked to start our adventure.


Angel said...

Too bad we were too tired to do much. If u know what I'm sayin'!

Liz Ann said...

You know I was mad that you haven't posted in a long time, but now I'm glad you are a slow poke. Now, I get to relive my vacation all over again.

YAAAAAYYYY! We had so much fun