Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Year's Eve

31 December 2009

For New Year's Eve, we celebrated at the Pisciotta's house (adult's only). Frankie went out with Kendall, Brandon hung with Carly and friends, and Gabriel babysat for us at home. The Pisciotta's were nice enough to host everyone at their house. They are such good people!!!
We were thrilled to be able to hangout with people who are like-minded with us. It's refreshing to be able to be in the presence of those who are good and wholesome, and who don't need to get wasted to have fun. We played games all night, socializing and enjoying each other's company. It was really nice! We were amongst some of the best people we've ever met. They are awesome!!! These couples will be friends of ours for eternity!
Perkins Marrott (Amy Perkins' parents) Alexander Shepherd Wyatt RiceSterling Taylor

Okay, let the games begin!!! We had to give ourself a name that represented us in some way...then they were read out anonymously...just ONCE. We had to try and guess who's name was who. If you were right, you captured that person and they became a part of your team. The object was to annihilate the room and make everyone a part of your "family." However, the hardest part was remembering what the names were, because they were only read out once. They were crazy things so it made it difficult. Like my husband called himself Bear Windsor (He said that strippers take the name of their first pet and combine it with their first address street name. Huh??? Yeah, that's how he came up with his name). I entitled myself Help4U (That's because I feel like I help everyone...go figure). Of course, when you only hear a list of names once, you can't recall all the weird concoctions. However, as you captured people, you relied on their memory as well to help select others into your group. There was always a "head of the family." It was the person who captured first. However, if another family or person could recollect the head of the family's name, then their WHOLE family was captured to become a part of the other clan. It was VERY CHALLENGING!!!
This is Rex and Frank deciding together on who to try to capture. They were sharing memories. LOL! This game was entitiled Curse. You had to emulate these curses the whole night, along with adding challenges to go along with them. Everyone ended up having to be extrememly goofy, so we were cracking up!!!! VERY FUN!!!
And, then....
HAPPY New Year's KISS!!!
Now we can start 2010!!! No matter what life brings, we'll be okay since we have each other. ;)

1 comment:

Liz Ann said...

Those games sound like fun. Although I'm sure I would have sucked at them both.

I think my name would be slimey wedge...nobody would have guessed. But I thought of when I was little and always had a snot nose and would squeeze in between you and Frankie. Hahahha