Monday, February 1, 2010

Christmas Eve

24 Dec 2009
On Christmas Eve, our boys got to open cards from their paternal grandfather. They were excited about finding out what was inside. Long story short...the guys were laughing over the fact that Frankie keeps getting left out in the money department. Last year Opa forgot to put his cash in the envelope, and it was a riot of an occasion, let me tell you! This year his money dropped out on the floor, and he didn't notice it, so he thought he got nil again. Everyone was laughing so hard over this matter, and was giving Frankie a hard time! (Brandon slept through it.)

Afterwards, we worked together to get the house clean for the BIG DAY.
Well, let's see...from this evidence, you see that I have a mop in my hands, but the others were just walking around smiling. Did they even help!??? Ok, maybe a little. =)

Since my hubby's turkeys are so yummy, he had friends who wanted him to fry some for their festivities. However, since he was still recovering from knee surgery, he took the opportunity to teach Frankie how to do it instead. It was good that Frankie could learn this great skill. =)
Noah was there to support him. He stayed outside to give him company.
Waiting on the turkey can be tricky. The temperature has to stay at a constant heat, and you have to keep your eye on it pretty well. Frankie found ways to entertain himself, though, while sitting outside. Hahaha! Fortunately, Frankie did an amazing job on his VERY FIRST TURKEY! He was so tempted to eat it!!! The aroma was luring him in!!!! Yum!!! But...he resisted, thankfully. =)

Later in the evening, it was time to wrap the presents (yeah, I'm a major procrastinator)... Brandon volunteered to help me, though...
We stayed up late doing it all. I was very grateful for his assistance; He's always a useful hand to me. I let him put together Kela's art easel, and he did a great job!

1 comment:

Brigg and Dianne said...

I love how you document everything and you take such great pictures!! Fried turkey sounds really good right now!